The Estate News & Blog


Building Bridges in Healing: My Visit with Steve LeVeau of AZ Pinnacle Counseling

Posted by Janice Story on April 29, 2024 at 8:00 AM

A few weeks ago, we held an incredible open house for our professional community. A day that was filled with learning about what makes Soberman’s Estate such an incredible place for professional men to heal. We were able to share our clinical and therapeutic expertise as well as our different holistic modalities with everyone who attended, and hand out some incredible prizes as well! I was honored once again, to meet with one of those professional individuals that attended, when he came to pick up the prize he had won.

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Topics: Addiction, Professional, Soberman's Estate, Mental Health

Celebrating Five Years of Excellence at Soberman's Estate

Posted by Janice Story on April 22, 2024 at 8:00 AM

Just a few weeks ago, we marked a significant milestone at Soberman’s Estate, our 5-year anniversary! This special day was not just a celebration of our history, but also a showcase of the comprehensive and unique modalities we offer. We opened our doors to many local professionals, giving them a firsthand experience of the tranquil and healing environment of the Estate.

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Topics: Professional, Treatment, Soberman's Estate, Event

The American Addiction Crisis is a Societal Failure Not a Personal Failure

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on February 28, 2021 at 7:12 PM

The founding of Soberman’s Estate was inspired by the loss of two men, including the owner’s brother and best friend. Mitch Prager’s best friend was Dr. Jerry Josen, and we’re pleased to share this article written by Dr. Josen’s daughter, Rachel Josen. 

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Topics: Addiction, Functioning Alcoholic, Professional, Treatment, Functioning Addict, Substance Abuse, Doctor, family

Is My Husband an Alcoholic? Here's What You Need to Know.

Posted by Hannah Prager on January 29, 2021 at 3:31 PM

Maybe your husband or loved one is exhibiting questionable behavior related to alcohol, and it doesn't feel right. Know that you are not alone. 12.7% of American adults have an alcohol use disordercolloquially known as alcoholism. We’re going to talk about signs you’re in a relationship with an addict, as well as strategies to cope and heal.  

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Functioning Alcoholic, Professional, Treatment, Functioning Addict, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Employment, Doctor, Physicians, Soberman's Estate, family, Intervention


Posted by Justin Fisse on January 29, 2021 at 3:10 PM

I was struggling with the appropriate words to give to a counterpart as they worked on a blog focused on addiction and relationships. They had a section devoted to intervention and wanted to include a couple names of interventionists as resources to offer the reader. I could not possibly commit to two or even 10 names of professionals, not because I do not know and trust ten individuals, but rather because I know and trust hundreds.

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Functioning Alcoholic, Professional, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Safety, family, Intervention

The Pups in Rehab

Posted by Hannah Prager on December 28, 2020 at 2:13 PM

The team members at Soberman’s Estate enjoy a fun, functional, family work environment. Sometimes, this means bringing your dog to work! Some staff members bring their dogs to work every day! Not only do the pups bring joy to the staff, but they also bring numerous healing benefits to clients. 

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, Alcoholism, family

Addiction, Recovery, Holidays and Covid

Posted by Frank Saverino, LPC, LISAC on December 1, 2020 at 5:44 PM

In this article, Clinical Director Frank Saverino discusses the holiday season, what it looks like for individuals in recovery and their family members, and what we can do to help facilitate a joyful, healthy, successful holiday season for all.

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Topics: Addiction, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, Substance Abuse, coronavirus, covid-19, Safety, Self-Help Groups, Alcoholism

Addiction Symptoms and Treatment for Professional Men

Posted by Frank Saverino, LPC, LISAC on October 28, 2020 at 12:56 PM

While there are many issues that are universal in treating addiction, professional men often have specific challenges that must be understood and addressed. The men we treat most often still have their careers and their families. They have been extremely successful in those careers and have done well financially. They often are highly respected by others, especially outside their family. These successes often cloud the reality of their illness and contribute to their denial. Often there are enablers in their lives who do not know how to intervene. They come to us following some type of crisis, be it related to work or their families. Just the act of coming to a rehab and admitting to others that they have a serious problem is difficult for them. They see themselves as strong, stable, intelligent and proud. So, when they arrive here, their defenses are going to be up, and they continue to portray this persona of having it all together. Losing control is abhorrent to them. Control is important to their success in life. Unfortunately, with the disease of addiction, holding on to the notion that you can control it can have deadly consequences.

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, athletes, Substance Abuse, Physicians, Impaired Professional, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate, family

What is a Commencement Stone Ceremony?

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on August 19, 2020 at 5:51 PM

“Welcome everybody, to the Commencement Stone Ceremony for our client, David. As you know, at Soberman’s Estate, we do not use the word graduation, we use the word commencement because it’s a beginning,” said Mitch Prager, Founder and CEO of Soberman’s Estate, to his team.

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Topics: Addiction, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, Alumni, Alcoholism, Farm, family, CEO

The 4 Notable Symptoms of a High Functioning Alcoholic

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on August 13, 2020 at 7:11 PM

Alcoholism is a struggle that a large number of individuals deal with on a daily basis. More than 15 million people struggle with alcoholism and it only continues to grow over time. High functioning alcoholics are estimated only 20% of that 15 million, and they can be a challenge to identify without knowing the right symptoms. 

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Topics: Addiction, Professional, Functioning Addict

The Estate Blog

Soberman’s Estate’s blog has a primary goal to connect with those in need, support the recovery community, and provide inspiring articles, opinions, research, and information to help others make the right decisions about treatment, and help them reach their potential in recovery.

In the News:

TREATMENT Magazine: Soberman's Estate Innovates Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Highline Auto's: "The Road to Recovery"

Together AZ: "In the Shadow of the Saguaro"

Real Leaders Podcast: Let's Talk About the Opioid Crisis

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