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Soberman's Estate

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The Warning Signs of Substance Use Disorder

Posted by Soberman's Estate on February 24, 2024 at 8:24 PM

Substance use disorder is a crippling disorder that can affect anyone regardless of their age, gender, or status in life. However, it tends to be more common in people who have the means to afford these substances. Having access to substances and being able to have the means to use them at will is why professionals many times are higher risk for substance use problems. These professionals include pilots, artists, entrepreneurs, and doctors with high paying salaries. The best way to start treatment for these individuals is to help them identify that they have a problem.

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Topics: Alcoholism

Celebrating Father's Day: Supporting Dads in Recovery

Posted by Soberman's Estate on June 18, 2023 at 7:00 AM

At Soberman’s Estate, we are privileged to be under the stewardship of extraordinary fathers whose dedication and commitment we aspire to acknowledge and honor, not just today, but each and every day. Among these remarkable individuals, we wish to extend our heartfelt acknowledgement to our esteemed Founding Father, Mitch Prager. Mitch, aside from being the proud parent to two wonderful daughters, is also the visionary who breathed life into the establishment of Soberman’s Estate, which he affectionately refers to as his “baby”. This unique and extraordinary sanctuary serves as a transformative haven where men in recovery can genuinely embrace and realize their full potential as outstanding fathers, nurturing lasting family relationships.

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Topics: Recovery, Soberman's Estate, family

Unmasking the Source of Negative Thinking: A Pathway to Recovery

Posted by Soberman's Estate on June 12, 2023 at 7:00 AM

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often find ourselves trapped in a maze of negative thinking. These negative thoughts can lead to heightened stress, reduced self-esteem, and even a predisposition towards harmful habits or addictions.

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Topics: Recovery, Mental Health

Exploring PTSD & Substance Abuse: Aiding Recovery & Awareness

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 31, 2023 at 7:00 AM


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Topics: Addiction, Substance Abuse, Soberman's Estate, Mental Health

Celebrating National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 22, 2023 at 7:00 AM

This month serves as a reminder of the vital role physical activity and sports play in our lives. At Sobermans Estate, we recognize the importance of incorporating fitness into the recovery process for our clients. Clients of Soberman’s Estate enjoy a variety of supervised physical fitness (Gym, Yoga, Thai Chi) an average of 5 days a week. The Sobermans Estate Difference:

Our dedicated Fitness staff at Sobermans Estate, led by Coach Carl Hargrave, is passionately committed to providing an unparalleled experience for individuals who are seeking to make a dynamic change in their lives. We understand that the path to recovery is unique for each individual, and we offer personalized support to ensure our clients are equipped with the tools they need for lifelong sobriety. We aim to empower men on their journey by addressing the physical component of recovery and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Coach Carl shares his approach to fitness and recovery through his Fit For Recovery (FFR) Scope of Empowerment:

I applaud the men wanting to make a dynamic change in their lives, for trusting the process of engagement at Sobermans Estate. The staff is tremendous, and the facility is unparalleled in its efforts to give the clients the tools needed as they walk the walk. More importantly they learn how to use the tools to have lifelong sobriety.

FIT FOUR RECOVERY! Addresses the physical component of recovery, creating long-term healthy lifestyles. We empower the clients through encouragement and action, while focusing on four essential elements to help our clients build physical and mental resilience during their recovery journey.

1. Cognitive Empowerment: We engage our clients in discussions about how they can maximize their current space and time to reach their full potential. By understanding their unique abilities and challenges, clients can better prepare themselves to walk in the field of life as they face the many obstacles they may encounter in their daily lives.

2. Physical Engagement: We engage in various exercise routines, to elicit the natural endorphins, helping to create that feeling of accomplishment. Through regular physical activity, clients can build self-confidence and self-esteem that will serve them well in their sobriety journey.

3. Exercise Integration: We believe that every phase of exercise can be related to the recovery process. With this in mind, we incorporate elements of endurance, flexibility, strength, and power into our FFR program. By connecting these exercise components to recovery, clients can better understand how physical fitness supports their overall well-being.

4. The Power of Teamwork: The guidance of our experienced coaches, Coach Carl and Coach Travis, plays a crucial role in the success of our FFR program. By working together with our

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Topics: Recovery, Healthy

Happy Mothers Day!

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 14, 2023 at 7:00 AM

Ok, Here's one thing we all have in common - we all have Mothers!

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Topics: Addiction, Treatment, family

Celebrating World Labyrinth Day – Saturday May 6th 2023

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 6, 2023 at 7:00 AM

If one were to make a pilgrimage today to Chartres France, they would find an 800+ year old Cathedral and on the floor of that cathedral is a famous walking path called a labyrinth. Many books and articles have been written about the famous Chartres Labyrinth and the miracles that have occurred to those walking this ancient path. Before Soberman’s Estate opened in Cave Creek, Arizona a team of professionals worked for months to recreate the exact 34 turn Chartres Labyrinth on the grounds of Soberman’s Estate. Soberman’s Estate is a State Licensed, Nationally Accredited, World Class Behavioral Health Residential Center specializing in helping professional men recover from alcoholism and other addictions. The 2 differences between the Chartres France Labyrinth and the Soberman’s Estate Labyrinth are the Soberman’s Estate Labyrinth was built outdoors around an ancient saguaro cactus and the path was created using indigenous purple jasper stones. Clients walk the Soberman’s Estate Labyrinth as a moving meditation and for many activities including our Commencement Stone Ceremony.


Having walked the Labyrinth daily for years, the team at Soberman’s Estate is joyful to celebrate “World Labyrinth Day” as we have seen The Power of the Labyrinth for Men in Recovery!

World Labyrinth Day is an annual event that takes place on the first Saturday in May, dedicated to promoting the labyrinth as a tool for personal, community, and global peace. The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that has been used for meditation, reflection, and healing for thousands of years. At Soberman's, we believe in the power of the labyrinth as a tool for men in recovery.

What is a Labyrinth?
A labyrinth is a complex maze-like design, often found in medieval cathedrals and temples, that has been used for spiritual and therapeutic purposes. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has only one path that leads to the center and back out again. This path represents a journey and the center is a place of stillness and contemplation.

The Benefits of the Labyrinth for Men in Recovery

  1. Bi-Lateral Stimulation: Similar to how EMDR and ART utilize Bi-Lateral Stimulation, the ancient, silent, left right walking pattern stimulates a sense of calm and peace: The repetitive and meditative nature of walking the labyrinth can help to calm the mind and reduce stress, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

  2. Encourages reflection: The labyrinth provides a space for reflection and introspection, helping men in recovery to gain insight into their thoughts and emotions.

  3. Supports spiritual growth: The labyrinth can be used as a tool for spiritual growth, connecting individuals with their inner selves and a higher power.

  4. Promotes physical health: Walking the labyrinth is a gentle form of exercise that can help to improve physical health and wellbeing.

  5. Enhances mindfulness: The labyrinth encourages mindfulness and being present in the moment, helping men in recovery to overcome distractions and focus on the present.

At Soberman's, we recognize the importance of holistic healing and the role that the labyrinth can play in supporting men in recovery. On World Labyrinth Day, we encourage everyone to explore the benefits of the labyrinth and to experience its power for themselves.

In conclusion, the labyrinth is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, and we believe it can play a crucial role in the recovery journey of men. We invite you to join us in celebrating World Labyrinth Day and to learn more about the benefits of the labyrinth by visiting the following resources:

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Topics: Treatment, Healthy, Mental Health, mindfulness

Celebrating Cinco De Mayo Sober-Style at Soberman's Estate

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 1, 2023 at 10:11 AM

Cinco de Mayo is a popular holiday in the United States, celebrated with much enthusiasm and revelry each year on the fifth of May. It's a time for joy, community, and indulging in vibrant Mexican culture. However, for men in recovery, this festive occasion can present unique challenges, as celebrations often involve alcohol and other substances.


At Soberman's Estate, we believe that recovery shouldn't mean missing out on life's joys. That's why we've put together a guide to help men in recovery celebrate Cinco de Mayo in a healthy, safe, and sober way.

1. Embrace Authentic Mexican Culture
Cinco de Mayo is an opportunity to appreciate and learn about the rich history and heritage of Mexico. Rather than focusing on the party atmosphere, use this time to dive deeper into the traditions and customs of the holiday. Attend local cultural events, visit art exhibits, or explore Mexican history through documentaries and books.

2. Create a Sober Fiesta
Host a sober Cinco de Mayo party at home as we do at Soberman's Estate for our clients and Alumni. Plan a menu filled with authentic Mexican dishes, such as tacos, enchiladas, and chiles rellenos. Non-alcoholic options like horchata and agua fresca can be served as refreshing alternatives to alcoholic beverages. Create a festive atmosphere with decorations, and don't forget to include traditional Mexican music to set the mood.

3. Participate in Recovery-Focused Celebrations
Many recovery groups and treatment centers, including Soberman's Estate, organize sober Cinco de Mayo events. These gatherings offer a supportive environment for those in recovery to celebrate without the temptation of alcohol.

4. Give Back to the Community
Cinco de Mayo is an excellent time to help others and give back to your community. Engage in volunteer work or organize a fundraiser to support local charities or organizations focused on addiction recovery. This will not only give you a sense of purpose, but it will also help strengthen your commitment to sobriety.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude
As you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, take a moment to reflect on your journey and be thankful for your progress. Practice mindfulness and gratitude to help ground yourself in the present moment, and appreciate the many positive aspects of your life.

Cinco de Mayo can be a challenging time for men in recovery, but with a little creativity and support, it's possible to celebrate sober style. At Soberman's Estate, we encourage our clients to embrace the vibrant Mexican culture and partake in festive, substance-free activities that promote personal growth and camaraderie. By focusing on the true spirit of Cinco de Mayo, you can enjoy a meaningful and memorable holiday while staying committed to your recovery journey.



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Topics: Recovery

Memorial Day Reflections from Soberman's Estate CEO

Posted by Soberman's Estate on May 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM

Memorial Day 1998 is my most memorable Memorial Day

May 25th, 1998 – Memorial Day was my first day of sobriety! I am grateful that since that day, I have not had a drink or drug and this 2023 Memorial Day I celebrate 25 years clean and sober.

Hundreds of thousands perish every year from alcohol and drug use and I easily could have been included in that horrible statistic. I was fortunate as in essence, the alcohol drug abusing me died 25 years ago and I was given a second chance and now I am in the business of second chances and my purpose, passion, and mission in life is helping other men find the way out as I did.

I and most of the team members of Soberman’s Estate have family members that have served in the military and on Memorial Day, we especially understand the importance of acknowledging and honoring the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country. As a state licensed, nationally accredited, world class behavioral health residential treatment center, we are particularly aware of the unique challenges that military service members, veterans, and their families face in the pursuit of mental health and wellness.

This Memorial Day, we invite you to join us in remembering and honoring the fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms. It's a time for reflection, gratitude, and recognition of the selflessness and courage exemplified by these service members.

At Soberman's Estate, we strive to provide comprehensive support for all our clients, including military personnel and veterans. We recognize that the mental health struggles faced by service members and their families can be complex and multifaceted, and we are proud to offer a safe, compassionate space for healing and growth.

On this Memorial Day, we encourage our community to:

  1. Take a moment of silence: Dedicate time to pause and remember the service members who lost their lives in the line of duty. Reflect on the sacrifices they made and the impact their service has had on our nation.

  2. Share their stories: Connect with friends, family, or colleagues to share stories of the fallen heroes. This act of remembrance can help keep their memories alive and honor their legacy. At Soberman’s Estate we have the names of veterans on memorial benches where we sit and tell their stories.

  3. Offer support: Reach out to military families and veterans in your community, offering a listening ear, words of encouragement, or practical assistance. Your support can make a difference in the lives of those who have served our country.

  4. Educate yourself: Learn about the challenges faced by military personnel and their families, both during and after their service. Understanding these struggles can help promote empathy and foster a more supportive community.

  5. Give back: Consider donating to organizations that support military families, veterans, and their mental health needs. Your contributions can make a lasting impact on the lives of those who have given so much for our country.

At Soberman's Estate, we are committed to providing the highest quality care and support for our clients as they journey towards recovery and wellness. On this Memorial Day, let us remember and honor the courage and selflessness of our fallen heroes, and strive to build a brighter future for all.

Lest we forget.

Soberman's Estate is a residential men's addiction treatment center that provides discreet, individualized, sophisticated recovery and wellness services for adult men that want to recover from substance use disorders, and or other behavioral issues such as trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, or other addictions. 



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Topics: Treatment, Alcoholism, CEO

Alcohol Awareness: A Devastating Impact of Alcoholism on Men's Health

Posted by Soberman's Estate on April 28, 2023 at 7:00 AM

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and this year's theme is "Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow." This month is an opportunity to raise awareness about the serious impact of alcohol on individuals, families, and communities. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 14.5 million adults in the United States have Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), with men being more likely to struggle with alcohol abuse and addiction compared to women.

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Topics: Addiction, Alcoholism

The Estate Blog

Soberman’s Estate’s blog has a primary goal to connect with those in need, support the recovery community, and provide inspiring articles, opinions, research, and information to help others make the right decisions about treatment, and help them reach their potential in recovery.

In the News:

TREATMENT Magazine: Soberman's Estate Innovates Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Highline Auto's: "The Road to Recovery"

Together AZ: "In the Shadow of the Saguaro"

Real Leaders Podcast: Let's Talk About the Opioid Crisis

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(480) 595 -2222

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